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Cycle Coaching

As a period coach I can help you to connect with, embrace and discover your cycle from as early as menarche, through your early adult years, pregnancy, during IVF, into menopause and beyond. 


I can help you discover the potential within your monthly cycle and teach you easy and practical ways to use these natural and normal hormonal shifts to optimise your life, including better ways to experience your period.


Coaching can enable you to live in harmony or in sync with your cycle, to understand the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual (whatever that looks like for you) and feminine aspects of your menstrual cycle, to increase health and wellbeing, productivity, creativity, sports performance, confidence, self-esteem, relationships, connectedness, and the amount of pleasure and rest you can experience. 


Menstrual cycle coaching incorporates many principles such as lifestyle, nutrition, self care practices, daily connection to your monthly menstrual cycle and other life cycles (lunar, seasons, circadian), stress management, exercise, ritual, and more, so that you can thrive and get more out of life.


Cycle coaching embraces the practices of cycle charting and menstrual cycle awareness to connect you deeply and firmly to yourself and to the cycles in nature which influence the human body.  Being connected to your shifting thoughts and feelings and understanding how the female hormones influence this, helps you to find patterns and rhythms, and allows you to work with these shifts rather than against them. Being cycle aware and connected to self enables you to discover your own unique 'manual' and to start using your menstrual cycle to optimise your life.

Gifting girls with holistic menstrual cycle wisdom, confidence and practical tools to support a happy, positive and healthy experience of menstruation and puberty. This is a beautiful, empowering alternative to traditional and school based period education featuring craft, conversations, a very special parent/carer-daughter celebration, and a generous gift bag. A life-changing circle that you will both remember.



A First Moon Circle is a special occasion where people gather to sit 'in circle' to celebrate the very important and powerful rite of passage of a girl's first period, also known as 'menarche' (men-r-key).  Before industrialisation, women's menstrual cycles followed the moon or lunar cycles, and periods were referred to as a woman's 'moon time'. A 'first moon' indicated the very first period that a girl experienced, symbolising her transition to womanhood.


 First Moon Circles offer a unique, safe, intimate and inclusive space for parents/carers and daughters/girls to gather together to celebrate this upcoming or recent transition from girlhood to womanhood, or rite of passage. Sitting in circle provides the perfect atmosphere for creating connection, for honoring and celebrating girls and women, and for handing down menstrual cycle wisdom and story from one generation to the next.


The knowledge gained during these circles through education, sharing and hands on experience, together with a gift bag packed full of period samples, hormone friendly recipes, cycle charts and a moon journal with prompts gives your child the perfect opportunity to feel prepared and confident about and their first period, and their journey through puberty. Your child will gain valuable knowledge of the entire menstrual cycle, develop basic body wisdom, become empowered, capable and self-aware, so that they can support themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually as they enter their cycling years and adulthood. 


First Moon Circles are split into two parts:

PART 1  - Girls only!!

We start with a 1.5hr experience just for the girls to come together, have fun, be silly, make new friends, and learn accurate information about what's happening to them physically, emotionally, and spiritually as they move through puberty and experience their first period.

Here your child will learn:


  • What puberty is, what happens during this stage of development and what changes they can expect to notice, sense and feel physically and emotionally.

  • An introduction to the female body, anatomy, common terms, hormones, neurotransmitters, and the reproductive system.

  • What the menstrual cycle is and why we have one

  • What periods are and why we have them​

  • Signs and clues that their period may start soon

  • What to expect with the first period, and subsequent periods

  • Extensive and diverse period product practical play and familiarity

  • Body and earth friendly period products and why this important​.

  • How to talk about periods, who to talk to, where to go for help, and how to be prepared. 

  • Colouring in and snacks provided in session


And this is an opportunity to voice concerns or anxieties about puberty, periods or products etc they can ask me any and all the awkward, embarrassing, curious questions they've not felt able to ask yet.




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PART 2  Parents/Carers and girls

Part 2 starts with Parents/Carers joining us for a delicious celebratory afternoon tea before joining us in circle.


During our time together we will


  • Make a special gem bracelet that symbolizes the four phases of the menstrual cycle, and is a keepsake from this celebration
  • Learn together with your child what a normal healthy menstrual cycle and period look like during adolescence.
  • The 4 main factors that influence menstrual cycle health and regularity and our period
  • Introduction to Cycle Awareness (remember, the period is just 1 part of a 4 stage cycle!), relationship to the moon cycle, and how our energy, feelings and needs change across the month​

  • Introduction to self-care for their cycle (a couple of examples include: when and why rest is important, why its ok if suddenly they might feel a bit cranky and how to nurture themselves through the pre-menstrual phase)

  • Introduction to paper and pen cycle charting and why this practice is so important and endorsed by the ACOG (period journal and instructions provided).​

  • Parents share wisdom, experiences, share stories or wishes with everyone present, which helps the girls feel supported and remember that they are not alone, reduces menstrual taboo/shame and increases period positivity.

  • Girls share what they have learned with the adults which will no-doubt offer you new knowledge yourself!

  • Gift bag discovery ​





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This huge value-packed offering, featuring everything listed above, is available for $160 per participant. This enables me to organise everything for you, share all the wisdom and lots of gifts for your child, plus afternoon tea. (Minimum of 5 participants per circle required*).


I acknowledge and honour that not all people who bleed are girls / female identifying, and that not all girls and females bleed. I bring this into the First Moon Circles with an awareness that children who may not identify as female may still experience menstruation, and may have a complicated relationship with their period, their body and the concept of becoming a woman. 


It is my highest wish that if you have a child who may be Non-Binary, LGBTQIA+, Transgendered, Gender Queer or otherwise Gender Diverse, that I hold as safe a space as possible for them to learn how to care for their body, emotions and spirit through menarche. If you would like to discuss anything related to inclusion please do email me to organise a chat. I want to support you and your family. 


Celebrating menarche and honouring this rite of passage helps reduce menstrual shame and taboo and improves period positivity. Celebrating with your daughter may strengthen your connection or parent-child bond. Being able to share wisdom and your own experiences with your child and others within the circle opens the conversation and paves the way for ongoing discussion. Experiencing a positive first period and seeing the menstrual cycle as a natural and healthy part of being female, can positively impact your daughter's experience of other rites of passage such as birth, mothering and how she experiences her menopause. 


You have 2 options: public or private events. 


Public Event: Use the booking calendar to book your child into our upcoming sessions! If you have any questions before booking please do contact me


Private Event: Did you know First Moon Circles are available to book as a private event just for your child and their friends ? This way, the group explores the topics together, ensuring they have a strengthened friendship and each other's ongoing support for when they need it. Suitable for girls aged 9-16 and for a minimum of five girls per private event. 


Private events are hosted in your home, yet I provide everything from activities to gifts and food. 


If you're interested in booking a private First Moon Circle, please email me to make this happen for you! Contact Me.


* Subject and according to Covid regulations, bookings may require a reduction in participant numbers according to event space.




  • Toggle between months and days using the arrows on the right

  • Find a day that is highlighted, this means there is availability

  • Once you have selected the day, choose your time

  • Fill out the questionnaire and submit your payment- you are now booked in!

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